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Statement Regarding Press and Social Media Reports

Posted date: March 3, 2020

Mar 3, 2020

Statement regarding press and social media reports

Iofina plc, specialists in the exploration and production of iodine and manufacturers of specialty chemical products, notes an article in today’s media, with similar information first posted on social media, pertaining to one of its substantial shareholders reportedly proposing to requisition a General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders (“GM”). The Company confirms that, at this time, it has not received a requisition for a GM. In the event the Company receives a proper requisition for a GM, it will deal with it appropriately and will respond more fully at that time. In the meantime, the Board believes that posting this type of information on social media, instead of by proper and legally permitted channels, to be wholly inappropriate and in potential violation of applicable law and regulation. Furthermore, the Board believes this action to be detrimental to shareholders of the Company as a whole.

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