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Chemical Production in Large Facility

Health & Safety

Ensuring the highest standards of health, safety and security for all of Iofina’s employees is a major priority for the company.

Iofina operates to ensure that health & safety policies are carefully followed and the well-being of all employees is continuously monitored. The company ensures provision of all necessary medical checks, regular health and safety training and specialised clothing and equipment.

The company recognises the interdependence between health and safety and productivity and is fully committed to the highest standards.

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Iodine Scientist Taking Samples


Wherever possible, Iofina promotes environmental sustainability in its working practices and seeks to minimize, mitigate or remedy, any harmful effects from the company’s operations on the environment at each of its operational sites.

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Social responsibility

The group supports the growing awareness of social, environmental and ethical matters when considering business practices. This statement provides an outline of the policies in place that guide the group and its employees when dealing with social, environmental and ethical matters in the workplace.

The group maintains and requires the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities in regard to dealing with gifts, hospitality, corruption, fraud, and the use of inside information. Code of conduct information is detailed in the company handbook.

The group promotes and supports the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain and hold employment without discrimination. It is our policy to make every effort to provide a working environment free from bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination on the basis of disability, nationality, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief.

The group aims to assist employees at all levels to improve their professional abilities and to develop their skills. The group will practice manpower and succession planning in regard to the number and type of employee personnel resources that will be required in the future. Individual career progression activities are developed with this in mind.

The group is committed to being honest and fair in all its dealings with partners, contractors and suppliers. The group has a policy to provide clarity and protection, within its terms of business, and to ensure the delivery and receipt of products and services at agreed standards. The group also closely guards information entrusted to it by joint venture partners, contractors and suppliers, and seeks to ensure that it is never used improperly.

The group is committed to a proactive quality policy to ensure that stakeholders are satisfied with the group’s results and the way in which the business operates and to promote continuous improvement in the overall operation of the group. In pursuit of these objectives, the group will use recognised standards and models as benchmarks for its management system.

The group adopts an environmental policy which sets standards that meet or exceed industry guidelines and host government regulations. This policy is reviewed on a regular basis.

Community Outreach

Iofina Gives Back

Iofina is committed to operating its business in a manner that benefits its investors, employees, customers, and the communities where it operates. To achieve this, Iofina and its employees sponsor and participate in several events that benefit local and regional charitable organizations. Iofina also participates in programs and events that benefit scholarship programs for students specializing in sciences.

Iofina, in partnership with OCAST (Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science & Technology), participates in a program to advance the studies of local undergraduate science students. Through this program, Iofina has provided numerous students from Northwest Oklahoma State University internship opportunities to gain valuable ‘real-world’ industrial and scientific experiences in their chosen fields. For their efforts, the students are compensated and receive school credit.

Community Involvement Through Donations


In early 2025, Iofina Chemical’s employees donated supplies to flood victims in southeastern Kentucky through Matthew 25 Ministries

Annually, Iofina’s employees generously provide food and toys to those in need.

In 2024, food and toy donations were provided to:

Additional organizations that have benefited from Iofina and its employees include:

Chemspec Scholarships: providing tuition assistance for selected students majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering and the life sciences

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World Iodine Association

As a founding member of the World Iodine Association (WIA), Iofina helps to eradicate global iodine deficiency and promotes iodine uses.

Iofina became a founding member of the World Iodine Association (“WIA”) on 14 October 2015 to promote iodine uses and to help eradicate global iodine deficiency.

The mission of the WIA is to support and represent iodine producers, processors, formulators, distributors and end users in relevant industry and official government bodies around the world, with respect to guidelines and regulations on iodine and its derivatives. Alongside Iofina, other founding members of the WIA includes Ajay Europe, Calibre Chemicals, GE Healthcare, Hypred SAS and SQM Europe.

The WIA develops, supports and promotes the use of iodine and its derivatives in existing and novel uses and applications in the domains of human and animal health and industry. The WIA provides information about the purposes, uses and applications of iodine and its derivatives to interested parties and aims to help eradicate global iodine deficiency.

More information on the WIA can be found at

Get Our Specialized Line of Iodides, Chlorides, and Fluorides for Your Business Today!

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